Tuesday, November 18, 2008


I feel like I've become more motivated to move in a better direction lately. First, I cut out a few things that were taking up too much of my time (the Haunted House at work, LOMA tests at work, didn't take on any new volunteer projects at work and otherwise, I'm just assigning and editing Happy Tails for Pet Haven, instead of writing new ones, etc.).

Then I applied for a different position at work that sounded more interesting, I am making an effort to go to church on a more consistant basis, I am completing more prayer requests on ourprayer.com, plus I also found that list of 100 greatest novels of all time and bought two of them to get started (about nine or so I already had read through school), and am seriously thinking about writing a book of some kind.

I don't know what book yet, but I think inspiration will hit me sooner or late, like an irresistible mac truck. How am I going to know what great literature looks like if I haven't read very much of it? Not that I'm pompous enough to think that I'm going to write the next great American novel (ha!), but I at least want to have some greats to help said mac truck.

Mac truck, mac 'n' cheese...time to make dinner.

Saturday, April 5, 2008


As the sun sets
Shadows play
games as they chase each other
down the road of another
passing day.
The moon soon rises
Owls flit across the path
Or is it just a figment
of our imaginations.
But as Gumby prances
in meadows
filled with purple deer
You will know you've floated
into dreamland.
This is where I await
Since I've passed
from this plane.
We can live our fondest moments
That we have been denied
by the waking world.
We can have that perfect child
We can build our blinding
mansion carved from gold.
We can travel
not bound by space
or time.
She awaits,
hears you speak my name
in your sleep.
She shakes you
Do not fear
I'll be waiting
When the sandman
comes again.

Tuesday, March 25, 2008


My heart is fickle
Easily distracted
So this may mean
You need to try a different tactic.

Keeping my attention
Ain't always easy, honey
But in the end it'll be worth it
And I'm not talking about money.

So take your time
Walk with me, talk with me
Show me your heart
I'll show you mine.

I still may be fickle
Easily distracted
But you know you'll get me
All you need is practice.

I might be happy one minute
Stormy the next
I might be here one second
The next I'm on another planet

Patience is the key
Then maybe you'll see
That just because I'm changeable
Doesn't mean I need to be changed.
Try that for a change.

Sunday, February 10, 2008


We all have a front we hide behind
We all wear a mask
We all tend to run from those ugly things
We have all done in the past.

No one is perfect
No one is free
No one has lives without regret
No one, not even me.

When everyone accepts it
When everyone comes clean
When everyone confesses they are faulty
When, I say, when?

Listen to those hidden tones
Listen to them
Listen to me
Listen, really listen friend.

Let me tell you my secrets
Let yourself tell me
Let go
Let go

Don't let the cracks grow deeper
Don't let the chasms spread
Don't let our friendship falter
Don't let it die, or is it dead?

Tell me all your deepest secret
Tell me all you dread
Tell me all you've buried
Tell me who in your life is left as dead.

I can feel the earth tremor
I feel it move beneath my feet
I know the chasm is growing
I wish it wasn't so.

Time has passed
Time has flown
Time has robbed us
Time has stolen what we've grown.

You will play pretend
You will say it's all fine
You will adjust your mask in the mirror
You will march out of my life.

Monday, January 28, 2008

Author Unknown

I love you for putting your hand into my heaped-up heart, and passing over all the foolish and frivolous and weak things...and for drawing out into the light all the beautiful, radiant belongings that no one else had looked quite far enough to find.

Thursday, January 10, 2008

It Looked Like Love to Me

I don't know what it looked like to him,
But it looked a lot like love to me.
Some things you can fake
Some things you can't
There's that single moment
When you catch someone's eye
And you see it, they bare it all.
They don't mean to
They don't want you to see it
But it's there
None the less.

This is Chloe, our puppy. She's pretty mellow, especially for being only 3 months old.